Soft mild : "Good but Bad Habits"

soft, mild, tiyan08, tips, triks,galery There are some habits that are always labeled as bad and should be eliminated entirely. But it turns out, there are a few things, if done in moderation, it is good for us. What is?

1. Gossip

Gossip is human nature. We've been gossiping since the stone age, as part of social norms and effort to learn. Through gossip, we are trying to connect with other people. As long as we remain cautious not to offend the subject of gossip, occasional talk about other people it is normal behavior.

2. Stress

Stress can cause heart problems, diabetes and mental disorders. But in my mind a little pressure will increase the immunity levels. Fair amount of stress will increase the production of leukocytes, which help protect the body during vaccination, infection and surgery.

3. Watch YouTube in the office

Origin is not all day, watching YouTube at the office action is not blind to eat salary. 15 minutes of laughter a day can accelerate blood flow, enhance relaxation, and burn 50 calories. And for the bosses, do not forbid YouTube, Mim and Yahoo! Indonesia in the office. If employees healthy, the company will increase efficiency.

4. Doodling at work

When you're receiving a phone you incessantly doodle in front. Even at the meeting, listening to presentations, unconsciously you continue drawing. If it is your habit, do not need to be stopped. This habit actually help you remember the information provided.

5. Swear

Expressing annoyance with, we let go of emotions, so that we become better able to control our feelings. Though angry at the couple still not solve the problem, at least if we are cursed with a high-pitched voice, he's going notice us. After that, the problem can be quickly done!

6. Drinking coffee

Fair amount of coffee can reduce the risk of Parkinson's in men, and type 2 diabetes. However drank five cups a day will actually increase the risk of Parkinson's disease in women.

7. Chocolate snack

Eat a piece of chocolate a day can reduce the risk of stroke or heart disease by 39%. Chocolate contains flavonoids, an antioxidant compound that protects the heart. Of course if you eat chocolate all day instead of lunch, you can hit instead of cholesterol due to consumption of excess fat!

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